Berichten door Edwin van der Wolf
Pte Desmond Dalton Reynolds 20-A-6
Desmond werd op 1 december 1922 geboren in Vancouver als zoon van Thomas Bernard en Margaret Reynolds (beiden Schots), uit Vancouver. Zij waren op 18 oktober 1918 getrouwd in Schotland. Zijn broer was William Reynolds (bij de marine en ook overzees) en zijn zuster was Margaret Snow. Hij was arbeider en lid van de rooms-katholieke…
Lees meerPte Desmond Dalton Reynolds 20-A-6
Desmond was born on December 1 1922 in Vancouver as the son of Thomas Bernard and Margaret Reynolds (both Scottish), of Vancouver. They were married on October 18 1918 in Scotland. His brother was William Reynolds (in the navy and also overseas too) and his sister was Margaret Snow. He was a labourer and member…
Lees meerPte Bruce Byron Ray 14-A-13
Bruce werd op 12 april 1921 geboren in Garfield Alberta als zoon van Harvey Lloyd (ook in het leger) en Mary Birdie Ray (beiden Iers). Zij waren op 19 april 1920 getrouwd in Carstairs Alberta. Zijn broers waren Duane Cecil (ook in het leger), Edgar, Ronald en Terence Ray en zijn zusters waren Bernice, Viola…
Lees meerPte Bruce Byron Ray 14-A-13
Bruce was born on April 12 1921 in Garfield Alberta as the son of Harvey Lloyd (in the army too) and Mary Birdie Ray (both Irish). They were married on April 19 1920 in Carstairs Alberta. His brothers were Duane Cecil (also in the army), Edgar, Ronald and Terence Ray and his sisters were Bernice,…
Lees meerL/Cpl Percy Edward Peacock 10-F-5
Percy werd op 28 oktober 1899 geboren in Fort Saskatchewan Alberta als zoon van William Lofthouse Peacock en Mary Alice Peacock-Barge (beiden Engels en al veel eerder overleden). Zij waren vermoedelijk in 1882 getrouwd in West Eden Engeland. Zijn broer William George Peacock was zijn nabestaande en zijn zusters waren Mrs. Dorothy Emily Grace Pollock,…
Lees meerL/Cpl Percy Edward Peacock 10-F-5
Percy was born on October 28 1899 in Fort Saskatchewan Alberta as the son of William Lofthouse Peacock and Mary Alice Peacock nee Barge (both English and much earlier deceased). They were married approximately in 1882 West Eden England. His brother William George Peacock was his next of kin and his sisters were Mrs. Dorothy…
Lees meerPte Charles Stanley Newman 11-G-14
Charles werd op 11 januari 1918 geboren in Kellow Manitoba als zoon van Paul en Annie Newman, uit Grande Prairie, Alberta. Zij waren op 23 november 1910 getrouwd in Portage La Prairie Manitoba. Zijn broers waren Melford Moultar, Joseph Lloyd en Percy Duncan (ook in het overzeese leger) Newman. Zijn zusters waren Mrs. Mae Francis,…
Lees meerPte Charles Stanley Newman 11-G-14
Charles was born on January 11 1918 in Kellow Manitoba as the son of Paul and Annie Newman, of Grande Prairie, Alberta. They were married on November 23 1910 in Portage La Prairie Manitoba. His brothers were Melford Moultar, Joseph Lloyd and Percy Duncan (also in the army overseas) Newman. His sisters were Mrs. Mae…
Lees meerL/Sgt Clarence Ernest Nadeau 10-H-10
Clarence werd op 2 juni 1920 geboren in Waugh Alberta als zoon van Hector Nels Nadeau en Elisabeth Eva Nadeau- Letourneau (beiden Frans) , uit Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Zij waren op 22 september 1914 getrouwd in Legal Alberta. Zijn broers waren Hector en Norman Nadeau en zijn zusters waren Mae, Florence, Lorraine, Louise en…
Lees meerL/Sgt Clarence Ernest Nadeau 10-H-10
Clarence was born on June 2 1920 in Waugh Alberta as the son of Hector Nels Nadeau and Elisabeth Eva Nadeau nee Letourneau (both French) , of Dawson Creek, British Columbia. They were married on September 22 1914 in Legal Alberta. His brothers were Hector and Norman Nadeau and his sisters were Mae, Florence, Lorraine,…
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