Pte John Raymond Patrick 6-D-9

John was born on January 5 1916 in Indian Head Saskatchewan, the son of Daniel William and Flora (deceased in 1922) Patrick in the farming community of Indian Head.

He en l i s t e d  v o l u n t a r i l y a t Calgary on 19 Oct 42. He completed basic t r a i n i n g a t 131 CABTC Camrose, Alberta, and completed his infantry t r a i n i n g a t A.16 CITC during January 1943. On 22 May 43 he arrived i n the UK, and joined 1 C SCOT R on 18 Jun 43, a t Monk’s Common Camp, near Horsham, Sussex. He landed in Normandy in the ‘D’ Coy on 6 June 1944 during D-Day, and he was wounded in the

c r i t i c a l counter a t t a c k  at Putot en Bessin, 8-9 Jun 44, and he had t o be evacuated t o a h o s p i t a l  in England. He came back t o t h e unit on 10 Jul 44 a t Caen, and rejoined ‘D’ Coy t o continue the advance of his regiment across NW Europe.

John was killed in action on Saturday April 21 1945 age 29  during the first attack of the l i b e r a t i o n of Wagenborgen. He was temporarily buried in Siddeburen before being reburied on February 15 1946 in Holten.

His medals were: 1939-45 Star; France Germany Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; CVSM & Clasp.

His name is mentioned at the monument in Wagenborgen.