Pte John William Wilson 8-E-7

John was born on April 9 1908 in Nanaimo BC, the son of Fred and Sarah Jane Wilson, of Nanaimo. He was married with Myrtle Edna Wilson, of Nanaimo. Their children were Fred Crewe and Jacqueline Edna Wilson. His brothers were James Henry  and Fred Wilson. His sisters were Mrs. Mary Ellen McKenzie and Mrs. Charles Wharton. He worked as a coalminer and he was member of the United Church.

In Jul 1940 he enrolled in the 3rd (Res) Bn of The Canadian Scottish a t Nanaimo, and attended annual camp training in Sep 40 and Jul 41, On 1 Jan 42 he volunteered for active duty and was assigned to work a t OTC(WC) u n t i l 26 Aug 43, when he was sent to 121 CABTC Maple Creek, Sask, for advanced t r a i n i n g before going overseas. He arrived in the UK on 19 Sep 43 a t 1 CASCRU (Service Corps)

and on 20 Mar 44 became a vehicle waterproofing inspector a t N0~35 Canadian Army Trades Training Centre, On 20 Oct 44 he transferred  to  t h e i n f a n t r y corps and b r i e f l y served in Rocky Mountain Rangers u n t i l sent in a reinforcement d r a f t  t o NW Europe on 04 Feb 45, He joined 1 C SCOT R on 29 Mar as a member of ‘D’ Coy,

He was first missed during the first attack on April 21 1945 of the liberation of Wagenborgen but later appeared that he became a POW and he was serious wounded transported by boat over the Dollard to Emden Germany.

John died of these wounds on Monday April 23 age 37 in a hospital there. He was temporarily buried in Emden before being reburied on March 12 1946 in Holten.


His grave was adopted after the war bij Mr. J v.d. Toorn uit Deventer.

His medals were:1939-45 Star; France-Germany Star; War Medal; Defence Medal; CVSM & Clasp.

His name is mentioned at the monument in Wagenborgen.